Green Apple for health benefits

Benefits of apples to the diet is one of the most famous in the universe , including in Indonesia. How apples daily diet can help you to be successful ? The workings of apples to the diet is almost equal to the benefits of brown rice that are with a very high fiber content , this fruit makes satiety longer in our stomach .

 Apple for health benefits

 1. Helps the small intestine

Digestion is never separated from the small intestine as food processors and gets its nutrients. Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestine.

2. Reduce the risk of respiratory distress

A recent study shows that children who consumed the apple juice regularly can reduce the risk of respiratory disease . In addition to pregnant women who regularly consume apple juice is also effective in suppressing respiratory disorders unborn child

3. Minimize the risk of skin cancer
Vitamin C is beneficial to protect skin cells from the germ and free radicals . It is useful to minimize skin cancer.

4. Prevent Cancer and Stroke
Another benefit of the apple is to prevent cancer and stroke . This causes the blood flow to the heart is choked up , so the risk is relatively smaller attacks.

5. Useful for Streamlining Digestive
The renowned apple green category has a high fiber content, these elements are very, very good for you that is not uncommon to experience problems when defecating or constipation.

6. Caring & brightens skin
anti-oxidants in green apple useful content to let brighter skin care. not only was the content of vitamins A, B & C is in this green apple skin lightening supplement could be optimal.

7. Maintain and improve fertility hair
Current technology more advanced then the apples will be taken into For shampoo. Then it is useful to maintain beautiful hair.

8. Strengthen Bones Body
Mineral substances contained in green apple is able to meet the calcium needs of the body as a substance support growth of bones and teeth.

The many benefits of Green Apple, would not exist if you do not try to start from now. Prove yourself immediately self Looking For, if had felt the point spread this useful news on friends and family. thank you.

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