Dangers Of Excessive Drinking Water

Dangers Of Excessive Drinking Water

A director suddenly fainted in his office. Having examined the doctor gives a surprising diagnosis. Turns out he was over-dose of water. Well, how can ya? Strange.

Previously it had heard if water is harmful if consumed in excess, but never met there are cases like this. yes to share my experience try searching in google. Apparently many articles deliberate about the dangers of too much consumption of water.

You must already be familiar with a variety of positive benefits for the body of water and the needs of our life. Besides useful to maintain the skin's smoothness and for health, water can be for the treatment of natural medicine. But you know, that excessive water can cause serious problems for our bodies? Well how come?

This explanation...

During this time you know might just get that drinking lots of water is important to maintaining good health. But did you know the limits of safe drinking water? Yes, excessive fluid intake into the body it can bring negative effects to the body.

Drink 8 glasses of water or about 1 liter per day is recommended. To prevent dehydration and keep your body healthy. However, a new study suggests that drinking too much water is not good for health.

Times of India wrote that if our bodies receive excess fluid intake would interfere with levels of blood viscosity. This condition would disrupt the circulatory system in the body. Blood viscosity will reduce sodium levels and causes cell swelling. As a result of the poor, people will experience fainting, convulsions, even in a coma. The worst effects, people will die because of brain cell swelling.Impact Too Much Drinking Water will cause the following 3 things.

1. Increase the total volume of blood
Consume more water than the amount needed our bodies will increase the total blood volume. The increasing volume of blood in a closed system of blood vessels that would make the heart and blood vessels will increase, along with increasing pressure on the system of blood vessels that covered it.

2. Forcing the kidneys to work extra
The amount of water is too much enters the body will also increase the kidneys then it should be. Kidneys will filter / filter any fluids into the body - in contrast to the water pipes, where the more water flow, then the pipe will be getting cleaner. But in the kidneys it does not apply, it was instead the workload of the kidneys will increase because the amount of water that must be filtered through the glomerulus. In fact, the glomerulus can be damaged as a result of working extra hard to filter the amount of fluid that should not. The filtration system of the kidneys also has to retain the amount of water (in the body) at a safe level, which is needed by the body. Excess fluid as a result of the amount of water consumption should also be removed from the body by this filtration system.

3. Causing Hyponatraemia
In addition to the above two things, excessive drinking water can lead to the emergence of fatal circumstances called hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a state where salt levels in the blood (in this case sodium), is lower than it should be. Normally, the concentration of sodium in our blood ranged from 135 to 145 millimoles per liter. But in the circumstances hyponatremia, the salt concentration in the blood is less than 135 millimoles per liter. The situation is worse than this hyponatremia condition can lead to water intoxication, whose symptoms include a headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination (urination) as well as mental disorientation.

The danger to eating too much water
Hyponatraemia circumstances caused by the increased amount of water in the blood vessels will make the kidneys can not excrete excess water quickly. As a result, the excess water will get into the cells of our body. And the cell body that receives the excess water will have to swell. The body's cells that swell will not be difficult to expand as a result of water it receives because it still has space to the cells. However, it is different from brain cells. Brain cells are trapped in a hard skull, so it does not have sufficient room to expand when it receives the excess water. If excess water to enter the cells of the brain and brain cell swelling (like the cells of the body), then what happened next certainly was a disaster. The body will experience seizures, coma, the respiratory system stops, the brain stem herniation and eventually lead to death.

Pay attention to your White Water Consumption
In addition to the above, there are also some things you need to know about water consumed. When you do a marathon, of course, a great thirst will hit you, is not it ?. If it were so, then when finished running a marathon, not a few of us who would like to take a gulp of water a lot to treat thirst is felt. But did you know that when you do a marathon, then when it is also the concentration of vasopressin in your body will increase? Increased vasopressin is due to the stress state of the tired body when the marathon. Vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone, which means it is when hormone levels are high, the body tends to retain water in the body not to be excluded. In other words, you will not feel urination despite drinking lots of water after doing a marathon. In such circumstances, consume too much water would be fatal for you as it has been mentioned above, namely hyponatraemia.

Rules drink water right
The number of different suggestions regarding the adequacy of the amount of water intake per day may have made us confused. Then the recommendation to drink water right was like what the heck?

Drink enough water, meaning not too little and not too much. Said too much it is what?
Associated with various fatal effects that occurred in the marathoner from too much drinking water, International Marathon Medical Directors Association (IMMDA) recommends that we consume drinking water only when we feel hungry and thirsty. Consume sufficient drinking water or not excessive, ie no more than 0:03 liters per kg of weight. So, for example, someone has a weight weighing 50 kg, then the drinking water consumption is allowed for such people is no more than 1.5 liters per day. This recommendation becomes very logical because a person's weight certainly influenced also by the amount of water that needs to be drunk per day. People who are obese (greater weight) certainly needs water in greater numbers, when compared to thin people.

If we often heard the advice to consume as much as 2 liters of water per day, it does not mean all the water needs that our body needs must come from water. Recommended two liters of water could also include foods that contain lots of water or other drinks eg soup, milk, juice, or other types of foods and beverages that contain water.

Rules applicable to drink 2 liters per day for healthy people. Sementera for kidney patients certainly should be limited. People who suffer from kidney disease should not drink water too much because it will further aggravate the kidneys.

Drink water gradually, not all at once at one time. For example, 1 cup of water after waking up, then proceed to 1 cup before and after breakfast, 1 cup before and after lunch, a cup before and after dinner, and 1 cup before bedtime. But there are still many people are misguided about this suggestion drinking water. Because you want to meet the water needs of the body, they usually drink water in large quantities at one time. The impact of drinking too much water at one time will be discussed below.

The water requirement per day for each person is different depending on certain conditions, namely physical activity, weather, diet, weight, sex, and health conditions. For that, take sufficiently tailored to the needs and conditions of each. Drink when you feel thirsty, as thirst and thirst are the best indicators to know when our bodies need a drink.

Besides thirsty, you can also determine the adequacy of the amount of fluid to the body through the color of urine (pee). When urine is bright yellow / clear and numerous, it means the body fluid needs quite well and have been met. Meanwhile, if the color of urine turned into darker (dark yellow / orange) and few in number, it means that the body's fluid needs are still unmet.

Then, the advice to drink eight glasses a day is it still valid? Actually, a more appropriate way is to try to balance between the needs of the expenditure. As an example; when you exercise, you sweat as much as 500 milliliters per hour. Thus, the water should you drink is 500 milliliters, too. But is not it difficult to measure how much sweat we spend per hour her ?. If that's the case, then the indicator what? Joseph Verbalis, director of Georgetown University Medical Center, has the right advice for your drink to your thirst, Its the best indicator, namely drink to cure your thirst, because it is the best indicator to determine when we have to drink water. "Drink water when thirsty, and drink in moderation."
