Food to Prevent Health Problems Eye

Food to Prevent Health Problems Eye

Very many foods that can improve the health of the eye, for example just broccoli, fish oil, eggs, vegetables, and fruit. That's not fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that can prevent damage to our eyes. Lutein is one of the antioxidants that are useful for preventing damage to the eye. This substance is not a bit found in vegetables such as lettuce, kale, spinach, and leeks. Except that as well as dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach. Not only spinach, omega 3 and not a few are found in salmon.
Food to Prevent Health Problems Eye

Food to Prevent Health Problems Eye

You know broccoli? Yes, it is true. This Broccoli contains lots of vitamin C, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, and sulforaphane.

Food to Prevent Health Problems Eye

This vegetable is very popular with Popeye. Popeye became very strong with a meal. Perhaps because spinach is rich in vitamin A content of her. Spinach and green leafy vegetables also have many nutrients that are good for the eyes.


Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye

Tomatoes have lycopene content of vitamin C and higher, both of which are main nutrients for eye health. How very convenient consumption of spinach can be eaten or can be blended in advance, especially coupled with ice ... Sweet.

Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye

Eggs have not the least valuable nutrients for the eye, such as vitamin A, zinc, lutein, lecithin, B12, vitamin D, and cysteine.

Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye
This kitchen ingredient pungent smell is especially for those who have allergies. But make no mistake, garlic contains selenium know many very good for our eyes, in addition, garlic also contains vitamin C and quercetin. That's not the food is very good for the health of the body by way of the total.

Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye
Wow, this fruit when made juice tastes very good. Avocados are one category of fruits that contain a lot of nutrients than the other. Extremely both for the body, including the eyes. Avocados contain lutein, which is very high.
Lutein is an absolute nutrient for preventing cataracts and macular degeneration. Other substances contained in avocados are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye

Rabbit, vegetables are reminiscent animals cute rabbits with her teeth. As is well known, fruits & vegetables, orange is good for the eyes. That is beta - carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives the orange color of the carrot, support For retina and other sectors to let the eye to function properly.

Sunflower seed
Turns Foodstuffs can Prevent Health Problems Eye
Food category which is not infrequently a snack contains no little selenium and vitamin E, which may prevent cataracts and other eye barriers.

That so many foods that will prevent and minimize disturbance to the eye. Hopefully, this post is useful for you, me, and us all. thanks.