Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly interrupted. In brain tissue, lack of blood flow causes a series of biochemical reactions, which can damage or kill nerve cells in the brain.
The death of brain tissue can cause loss of function that is controlled by the network. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and many industrialized countries in Europe (Jauch, 2005).
When saved, sometimes people with paralysis on the side of her body, partial loss of memory or speech abilities. In recent years more and more popular term brain attack. This term corresponds to the term that is widely known, "heart attack "
Prediction stroke crimson can be visible from the indicators and indicators of stroke sufferers skilled. If the wellbeing development displays faster growth, then such a lot most likely the affected person will get better flawlessly.
Then You Definitely, if for roughly 2 weeks nevertheless struggling from extreme indications, the affected person needs to be hospitalized longer, particularly if the affected person is theme / coma, of therapeutic, is hard and might not get better totally. as a minimum, fanatics or partial curative will take longer.
Treating stroke in the particular extreme, it's very hard. Blockage or bleeding that happens ought to be addressed, whilst dealing with the blood vessels of the mind is way harder than dealing with blood vessels tune inside the frame.
Stroke Disease Type
1. Ischemic Stroke
In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (the buildup of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels) or a blood clot that has blocked a blood vessel to the brain.
Most of the patients or 83% had a stroke of this type.
Blockage can occur along the path of the arteries leading to the brain. Blood to the brain is supplied by two internal carotid artery and the two vertebral arteries. These arteries are branches of the aortic arch heart.
2. Hemorrhagic Stroke
On Hemorrhagic stroke, ruptured blood vessels, resulting in normal blood flow is clogged and blood seeps into the region in the brain and damage. Nearly 70 percent of cases of hemorrhagic strokes occur in people with hypertension.
Symptoms Occur In Stroke Patient
The early symptoms of stroke are generally dizziness, spinning (such as vertigo disease), followed by disorders of speech and mouth muscles move. Other symptoms are sensitive sensor interrupted (can not feel anything, like a pinched or pierced needles) and the body feels paralyzed, and the absence of reflexes.

Often also occur sudden blindness or vision becomes blurred (because the supply of blood and oxygen to the eye is reduced drastically), disrupt the taste in the mouth and the muscles of the mouth (so often encountered the patient's face was skewed), paralysis of the muscles of the body, and disruption of system memory and emotion.
Often some people can not stop crying because of paralysis of the brain controls the emotions system. It makes people act like stroke patients with mental illness but is not.
Causes of Stroke
Medical risk factors that cause or make worse stroke include hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, history of stroke in the family (heredity) and migraine (headaches). According to statistics, 80 % of the trigger stroke is hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
Behavioral risk factors caused by the lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as smoking, consuming soft drinks and alcoholic fond of eating fast food. Other behavioral risk factors are the lack of movement or sports activity and obesity. One of the triggers is also the heart uncomfortable mood as often angry for no apparent reason.
How to cure paralysis due to stroke
How to treat stroke with a massage, exercise and always move with the regular portion of the stroke patients who could not move. The purpose of joint rehabilitation training stroke recovery is restoring the capacity of joint motion to limb disorders or paralysis in order to do usual activities or stroke patients do not need to depend on others.
Here are some exercises stroke recovery is most effective to stretch the muscles that move the limbs when the practice was not injured, among others are:
• Provide assistance to people with stroke to train movements on the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, and their ankles. Create an initial move intrusion patients sought for lifting arm and a leg on the bed. Avoid imposing a movement beyond the limits of the patient. If it is not a good idea psi terapins team or family members to help move it.
• If there is a positive development, in which patients have been able to move the muscles better, then the next stroke recovery exercise is started coaching supportive movement by practicing walking with pedestal or stick
• When a stroke patient has been able to move more active even in conditions of sitting or lying down, then the next stroke recovery exercises give extra weight is an exercise in overcoming the burden and constraints that must be faced in the hip area and other limbs. Stroke recovery exercises in the run are very useful for bicep along with the motion of limbs in daily activities, due to the previous exercise is only useful for restoring muscle capacity and power of motion of limbs.
• Once the leg strength has been obtained from stroke recovery exercises above, the next step is an exercise coordination, balance (balance), and in order to maintain the stability of gestures. Exercises that can run that raising your legs, placing the heel of the other foot, shifting their legs, and exercises using the assistance of a ball which serves for maintaining joint stability and balance when seated body lift.
• Exercise in water or swimming, for patients who have difficulty in balancing the body weight, is recommended. Water is able to provide buoyancy as well as training sessions in the water is not too painful example physiotherapy department to another.
• Exercise together with the rehabilitation process so requires perseverance and their dedication in doing so are to increase the capacity of the brain or intelligence. Even in some cases severe stroke patients lose their memory. Then create help restore the brain to memory games can be given to stroke patients.
With all the expenses borne by a stroke survivor, as a family, how we deal with it? Do we have to be ashamed or maybe even depression to deal with it? Of course, the answer is no. Post-stroke patients actually require more attention from people the same and none of the same reaction between two people who had a stroke.
Therefore, treatment / rehabilitation of post-stroke patients should be per individual and can not be equated between one patient to another.
Post-stroke rehabilitation intended that people can live independent and productive back. Level rehabilitate post-stroke depends on many aspects: from the extent of damage in the brain, handling time as early as possible (golden period), professionals who handle (doctors, physiotherapists, etc. ), the role of family and friends and that is important is the intention and Usha from the patient itself.
The rehabilitation program itself includes the start of exercise (exercise), modalities tools, medicine, speech therapy, and psychology. Environmental, social and psychological aspects are often overlooked when this is an important aspect.
Even the interaction between patients with families and professionals (doctors) will speed up the recovery process because the interaction would provide more emotional support and motivation for stroke patients.
In addition to physical treatment, patients should also be treated psychologically as can be ascertained experiencing severe stress due to loss of mobility and loss of the job.
The cure rate is actually more influenced by attitudes and ways of thinking rather than physical factors. Yet logically, young patients heal faster and potentially recover better than patients with older age. In addition, the severity of the attack is also a decisive factor for the healer's stroke. Problems can work again, depending on the patient's condition. In a case of complete healing, the patient would be working again.
But you do not need to worry too much because of advances in medicine today is exceptionally strong. Including the prevention and treatment of stroke. Thus, it can be expected in the coming years more stroke patients who could be cured in total and can move back completely.
However, please keep in mind, even if she could recover, the patient should remain aware of the second stroke is likely to be more severe.
How To Prevent Disease Stoke Can Do Among them are:
Eating healthy
Living a healthy diet and eating healthy food is one way to avoid a stroke. Eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and avoid foods that are too sweet, fatty, processed meat or other.
Light exercise for 40 minutes or more each day plus sports a bit heavy at the end of the week will reduce the risk of stroke.
Quit smoking
Smoking habits affect the risk of stroke. If you want to avoid a stroke, you should refrain from smoking.
Stop drinking alcohol
Drinking up to nine glasses of alcohol per week can increase the risk of stroke. Therefore, if you want to lower the risk of stroke, one way is to stop drinking alcohol.
Keeping the weight
Ideal weight can also help you lower your risk of stroke. The trick is to go on a diet and maintain a diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Check blood pressure regularly
High blood pressure can make your blood vessels undergo extra pressure. Although no symptoms, check blood pressure regularly.
Control of heart disease
If you have symptoms or heart disorders such as irregular heartbeat or high cholesterol levels, be careful because it will increase the risk of stroke. Ask your doctor's advice for the best move.
Overcome and control stress and depression
Stress and depression can disrupt and even cause physical casualties. If not resolved, these two things could cause long-term problems.
Reduce salt
Because the salt will bind blood pressure.
Similarly, a glimpse of the stroke, I hope we can avoid this by diet and lifestyle and healthy. thanks.