Smartphone for Health Hazards

Smartphone for Health Hazards

"Smartphone" may already be familiar to most people. Even users of smartphones from day to day are less likely to experience an increase in uncontrolled. The various features and applications on smartphones make the owner did not want to stay away from his smartphone that. But it was the use of smartphones in excess will endanger our health. this is the ringleader of a variety of disorders and health problems that you may feel at the moment. So, what are the actual risks of excessive use of smartphones that ... ???,

Many say that smartphones make it easier for a person's life every day. With smartphones grip, then all the work that used to only be done on a computer or laptop can be replaced by a smartphone role. The reason is what makes smartphones more and sold on the market the gadget world. However, the use of smartphones blindly can be bad for your health. Here is a real risk of excessive use of smartphones:

Increases Risk Jari Cramps And Inflammation
Fingers, wrist, and elbow at hand are the most sacrificed of excessive use of smartphones. The effect will certainly start you feel as frequent cramps in the fingers as well as increase the risk of inflammation of the joints (tendinitis). The solution, limit the use of smartphones and stretch after using smartphones in the three areas above.

Causes Sore Neck And Back In Regional
Most smartphone users always play downtime at the screen of his smartphone. This is resulting in pain or pain in the neck and back. The solution, align smartphone with your head, then the pain in these two areas can avoid.

Endangering Eye Health
The time range use of smartphones for so long would have been a bad effect on organs such as the eyes begin to blur, dry eye and the eyes begin to tire. The solution, adjust the font size on a smartphone as comfortable as possible, often winks and the occasional eyes off the smartphone by looking at more distant objects.
The risk of Exposure Symptoms Nomophobia. Nomophobia is the fear to live, if they have to live without a smartphone in hand. The solution, do not often check smartphones by placing them in a bag and not in Your Pocket. As well as spend some time at least one day without a smartphone. Dare you .... ???.

Destructive Jam Night's Sleep
There is much to be checked at your own smartphone as various social networking updates and emails that have not had time to read. This is what makes a person awake until late at night. The solution, the smartphone away from the bed or the reach of your hand.


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