Garlic's health benefits

Garlic's health benefits

The benefits of garlic a lot that we can feel for everyday life. Garlic belongs to the family of tubers. Garlic is often known as a spice in cooking and is famous around the world. Which makes this herb popular is its ability to prevent cancer.

But unfortunately, sometimes its pungent aroma making plants are not widely consumed directly, but only as a spice, so that only a small amount of garlic consumed.

Almost all natural ingredients have properties of each body. Likewise with garlic, but before turning to the benefits, it helps us to know the nutrient content draws in garlic.

Garlic is a plant that has been used since the days of ancient Egypt, contains Allicin is one of the substances used as drugs. Allicin is one of the most biologically active components and a large main ingredient in garlic. What is the function of this allicin? it is anti-bacterial substances contained in garlic.

Various research has been done on this matter and found that he had an important effect on some health issues below:

Lose weight
thin the blood
prevent hypertension
Anti-cancer agent
And anti-anti-microbial / bacterial.

This substance is what makes the characteristic smell of garlic. Garlic contains a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is believed to play a major role and bring health benefits second to none.

Benefits these plants not only for food ingredients but also can treat various diseases. Garlic is often used for drugs is the single garlic. Here are the benefits of single garlic for health:

Preventing cancer
The content of sulfide contained in it helps the liver against toxic compounds lead to cancer. Inhibited cancer cell spreading because at eradicated by anti-cancer nutrient content contained in the garlic.

Treat influenza
The stench emanating from garlic stimulates membrane mucus work so that the airways can be more relieved.

Lowering blood cholesterol
The content of nutrients in garlic could protect the heart from bad cholesterol found in the blood. By eating garlic regularly to lower blood pressure so cholesterol getting down.

As an anti-biotic.
Facial acne usually inflamed so by rubbing garlic on acne inflamed until the oozing pus. Do it every day until the acne flared. By using a natural anti-septic of garlic, the benefits of garlic for acne make the face is not getting worse and spread to other parts of the face.

Relieve asthma and colds.
You do this by mixing single garlic with honey. Garlic is filtered with water and consumed regularly every morning. If the disease is reduced use of these drugs can be stopped.

Treating hemorrhoids
Health benefits of garlic for more is the water that comes from the lemon garlic, which can treat hemorrhoids by applying on the anus swollen. Hemorrhoids will slowly shrink and disappear.

With the tremendous health benefits of garlic for this does not hurt us to provide the garlic in the home. The point when the disease comes over, garlic as one of the alternative medicine already exist and live in, though. So do not just ignore the garlic in your home, because the properties are very much treated a variety of malignancies.

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