Amazing benefits for health watermelon

Amazing benefits for health watermelon

Watermelon is fresh fruit with a sweet taste of the meat sticks to the inside of a thick skin. The outer surface of fruit which got its scientific name Citrullus Lantus is light green with stripes motif resembling the elongated wave, smooth texture but hard. Originally from semi-desert regions of southern Africa. A fruit related to cucumbers and melons.

This fruit is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, energy, fat, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, and water. Types of vitamins in this fruit for example, beta-carotene, thiamine (Vit. B1), riboflavin (Vit. B2), niacin (Vit. B3), vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin C. The minerals embedded in them calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Watermelon is a type of fruit that most types of watery flesh colored red. The fruit is very suitable for the current consumption in the air was very hot or during the day is quite hot. This is because almost 90 percent of the content of the watermelon consists of water. The fruit is easy to get in traditional markets as well as in more modern markets. Most of us would like to consume the juicy fruit. However, in addition to substitute for relieving thirst, innumerable health benefits of watermelon for your body. So, what are the amazing benefits of watermelon for the health of the body ... ???

Drug Thrush
Sprue is small bumps appear on the tongue or lips due to the body lacks sufficient vitamin C intake, and lose a lot of fluid. To treat thrush, you can eat or drink watermelon juice. The content of vitamin C and water in watermelon help the wound heal canker sores by killing the bacteria in the mouth as well as address the problem of dry lips.

Acne Medication
If you usually work outdoors, the face will receive a lot of bacteria that come from pollutants in the air, smoke, and environment. This will damage skin health, one of the common problems is acne.

Therefore, if you want to keep it looking fresh and clean after work takes about 20 minutes to perform facial treatments with watermelon. You do this by attaching a fluid obtained from watermelon juice using a cotton swab on the entire facial area. Let dry for 15 minutes, then rinse cold water use.

Like bananas which save quite a lot of lycopene, watermelon also blessed the compounds of God. Functions include lycopene in the body of free radicals caused by pollution, food, and weakening of the immune system. If you experience any free radicals, serious problems such as cancer ready to come to you.

Controlling Blood Pressure
If the blood pressure exceeds the normal number, then the body is in a position prone to heart diseases such as stroke. To lower blood pressure to normal, it took ketonic compounds from fruits. You can easily find it on a watermelon, the mechanism begins to prevent hardening of the artery wall or veins so that blood pressure should range in numbers,

Freshness gives the Skin
Watermelon has also prevented the aging process from the inside by donating nutrients stored in it. If you regularly consume various processed from watermelon, unwittingly skin becomes firmer and fresher.

Reduce Muscle Pain After Exercise
Based on the results of research published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry stated that watermelon can play a major role in helping the health of the athletes. Before sport (hard workout) you could konsumtion watermelon juice. Help reduce heart rate and reduce pain in muscles.

Keeping Heart Health
This time, the research is based on Arturo Figueroa, a physiologist from Florida State University that says if a woman is in the postmenopausal stage taking supplements containing extracts of watermelon contains citrulline and arginine would improve cardiovascular health.

Fighting Cancer
Watermelon is a source of lycopene, antioxidants that contribute to prevention and treatment. Prevent the formation of prostate cancer and is used in the treatment of patients with cancer. Regarding the efficacy of watermelon to fight prostate cancer are still studied by scientists to ensure the connection is not to deny the efficacy of the watermelon.

Natural diuretics
Watermelon has long been known as a natural diuretic which helps kidneys to excrete more urine and helps to remove excess fluid in the body. Diuretics himself working on some kind of disturbance in the body.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals, Low Calorie
In a 10-ounce (300 ml) of watermelon are vitamin A and C, which meets one-third of your daily requirement. These include potassium needs. Potassium is a mineral that is beneficial to the body, especially for the synthesis of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

You can present in the form of watermelon juice in the morning and evening. Especially for those of you who are pregnant, watermelon juice in the morning can help relieve morning sickness. Meanwhile, if taken at night can help you to sleep more soundly. If you choose to drink watermelon juice at night, make juice not too cold.

May be useful. (Kod)