Grapes For Health Benefits

Grapes For Health Benefits

The grapes is a fruit that can be categorized as a fruit of the elite. It is caused by the production of grape which was a bit difficult to areas that do not have four seasons as the equatorial region.

In addition, historically, the grapes in ancient times is a type of fruit that is often consumed by the elite, for example the royal family or the king. Actually, there are many benefits of red grapes is very important for the body so it is better if you also familiarize the consumption of this fruit.

Grape is a type of vines or shrubs that have the characteristic red fruit. Red wine origin of the middle east. Red wine has the Latin name Vitis labrusca. This red wine is a fruit crop consumption for our society. Cages also red grapes is made to make jelly, wine (wine), and others. Red grapes taste sweet, slightly acidic and watery. This red wine that has many benefits and benefits for our bodies.

The benefits of the grape have been famous since ancient. The grape usually served simply as an ingredient or a recipe or made syrup. In the European region have been cultivated grape 6,000 years ago. These shrubs, unusual invitation living area high intensity with low rainfall. About 60 varieties of grape, consumed by the whole world.

Grapes For Health Benefits

Red Grape Classification
Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plant)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (seed yield)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two)
Sub-Class: Rosidae
Order: Rhamnales
Family: Vitaceae
Genus: Vitis
Species: Vitis labrusca

Content of Red Grape
Red grapes contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, and resveratrol. The grapes also contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2.

Benefits of Grape Overcoming Illness

Benefits grape could prevent the onset of disease in the body. Here are some examples:

1. Source of Good Blood Sugar
No artificial fruits have blood sugar regulation, as contained in the benefits of watermelon has a pretty high glycemic load of about 70-75, which is not very suitable for eating people who have trouble balancing blood sugar. At the grapes just presented about 43-53 glycemic load show a low glycemic load. In the study developed, the balance of good blood sugar is associated with the phytonutrients in grape.

2. Anti-Microbial Materials

The content of the common antioxidants like piceatannol and resveratrol produce phytonutrients in grapes that have been widely demonstrated as an anti-microbial agent. In the studies did not discover how to have antimicrobial properties, is obtained from the grapes. This substance helps the body in preventing problems associated due to microbial food.

3. Maintain Heart Health

In research on grapes indicates that the compound resveratrol substance has utility to increase blood vessel dilation, which provides an opportunity for blood to flow more easily.

The study also indicated when the state relaxed the body, the blood vessel walls larger, thereby lowering blood pressure.

4. Source of Vitamins

Red grapes provide a good source of vitamins to maintain a healthy body. Each one serving of red grape, provides about 16 mg of vitamin C, about 27 percent of the daily requirement, on a 2,000 calorie diet as the benefits of orange.

4. Rich Minerals

The benefits of grapes are rich in a number of important minerals. Each one serving of red grape contains minerals such as 288 mg of potassium (which is also found in bananas benefits), 0.2 mg of copper, 0.1 mg of manganese, iron 0.5. Red grape also contains some small mineral: calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

5. Cognitive Benefits

The grapes are consumed as grape juice intake by humans, provide benefits in optimizing cognitive powers. In a petition Concord grape juice to the daily consumption of 1-2 weeks about several months, showed an increase in the value of the study participants in the California Verbal Learning Test.

6. Body of Radiation Protection

The content of potent nutrients that have been shown to protect the body against radiation therapy, when used as a treatment for cancer radiation.

7. Helps Muscle Recovery

A powerful antioxidant can support the cells and organs, in removing uric acid and other toxins from the body. It also includes providing support to the recovery of muscle injury for athletes.

Benefits of Grapes For Skin

Besides the grape is very good for health, the benefits of other grapes also care for beauty, which is as follows:

8. Protection Against Skin Cancer

In many studies, resveratrol substance showed positive influence on the development of cancer cells. Resveratrol provides protection to the skin from UVB rays from sun damage, thus providing resistance against skin cancer.

9. Moisten the skin

The grapes sliced into two parts, then apply on face and leave fifteen minutes. Use it regularly twice a day morning and evening before going to bed and feel the benefits of grape that gives the skin's natural moisture.

10. Brighten the face

The face is dull, very disturbing appearance, the grape can help. 1 to 2 of grapes download and peeled, then knead by hand. Mix with honey ± 2-3 drops, then apply to face clean. Let stand at least 15 minutes, then rinse with plain water.
Grape is one of the fruits with the perfect content for health antioxidants that are good for the human body. However, there are a few tips for those of you who want to consume grape

Make sure you do not have diabetes. The sugar content in grape is quite high and will exacerbate your illness.
Make sure you wash clean, in fear of grape in spray with pesticide ingredients that are not good for the body.
Do not store in the refrigerator for too long, it will cause contaminated with other bacteria in your refrigerator.
Everything including fruits certainly has its advantages and disadvantages of each, too, consume wisely.
